Access Control System – A Product with many Facets

Access control systems are becoming more and more popular.

ZuKo Eingangsbereich – Nutz GmbH News

At first glance, analog access control seems more attractive for small to medium-sized companies, but the options remain manageable.

Electronic access control systems can usually be integrated well into the existing infrastructure. Once these have been built in and installed, individually customizable authorizations can be distributed. Employees, cleaning staff and suppliers can be given access rights appropriate to their needs. Instead of a key, they receive a card. If a card is lost or stolen, it is simply blocked. Whereas if a key is lost, the lock has to be replaced. Moreover, the function of this card can be extended. So it can easily be used for electronic time recording.

If you want to know more about time recording and access control systems, you can contact us at any time

Read more about our security technology services here.